Data-drive, evidence-based medicine: New e-journal

On March 29, 2013, in Uncategorized

We just received this in the email. It’s to publicize a project funded by AHRQ so is both legit and valuable, & worth knowing about if like us you believe that postmodern medicine is fundamentally digital and data-driven. === Broad, Brianna <> To whom it may concern: My name is Brianna Broad and I am […]

Tsunami of Understanding

On March 3, 2013, in Uncategorized

Just a day in the life of healthcare research — and this is just the tip of an iceberg of discoveries that were of varying degrees of significance but for whatever reason were not selected by the good folks at – Misplaced molecules: New insights into the causes of dementia – Proteins with mutations […]

Crisis Ignored

On February 4, 2013, in Uncategorized

The report from the 2013 World Economic Forum (available here) is astounding. Not for what it says — most of which is said well — but for what it fails to say even in the light of its own survey data. Those data show that “Chronic labour market imbalances,” defined as “A sustained high level […]

Understanding the Cell

On February 2, 2013, in Uncategorized

I now get most (not all) of my information on advances in medicine and health courtesy of that excellent service, They send me a daily email containing links to stories I might find relevant to the Digest. When one of the stories seems significant, I usually tweet my summary of the article and of […]

Computing & Healthcare

On June 1, 2012, in Uncategorized

Quantum Computing and Moore’s Law Expert opinion says Moore’s Law will end. We think quantum computing will come sooner than they think. A reason why we remain bullish about it is that there’s a breakthrough just about every day. A recent one was the creation of a way to store and retrieve video made up […]

Happy New Disruption!

On December 30, 2011, in Uncategorized

Automation and the End of Work At years end 2011, MIT’s Technology Review pointed to “5 Disruptive Technologies Happening Now.” They were: E-books, 3D printers, digital CCTV, DNA sequencing machines, and artificial intelligence (AI). The first two are apotheoses of automation: They take humans largely out of the loop. The fifth—AI—will take us out completely, […]

Potpourri of Advances

On November 26, 2011, in Uncategorized

It’s been a week of disparate but interesting advances. Here’s a summary of those I chose to tweet: Therapeutics There have been very good results in mice of a 2-drug therapy for radiation sickness. And in human ALS patients undergoing a phase II clinical trial of new drug dexpramipexole, the progression of the disease was […]

Digital Medicine and Philosophy

On November 19, 2011, in Uncategorized

Digital Medicine With a processing speed of one trillion arithmetical floating point operations per second (1 teraflops) Intel’s latest computer chip is equivalent to a building-sized, 10,000-Pentium-chip supercomputer built a mere 14 years ago. Given such exponentially accelerating power, it should come as no surprise that the Beholder (as  in ”Beauty is in the eye […]

Bits and Pieces

On October 23, 2011, in Acceleration Uncategorized

A European court has ruled that methods using embryonic stem cells for research cannot be patented. If researchers can’t profit from the methods they develop (and without a patent, it is hard to do so) then they will either develop them pro bono publico and let others patent and profit from the methods in regions […]

Child Abuse

On October 17, 2011, in Uncategorized

Am I the only one who thinks the horrible trend in child abuse is important enough to warrant urgent and spirited public debate? I was starting to think so until I saw an excellent multimedia treatment of “America’s child death shame” by the BBC. It inspired me to dust off an article I wrote but […]