I now get most (not all) of my information on advances in medicine and health courtesy of that excellent service, phys.org. They send me a daily email containing links to stories I might find relevant to the Digest.
When one of the stories seems significant, I usually tweet my summary of the article and of course a link to it, all in < 140 characters — no mean feat, if I may say so myself.
Yesterday, though, my daily phys.org email listed no fewer than five articles each concerning a different breakthrough technique for probing the insides of the cell. –
– Nanoscale MRI being developed
– Mapping the living cell: New technique pinpoints protein locations, helping scientists figure out their functions
– Scientists use Amazon Cloud to view molecular machinery in remarkable detail
– Listening to cells: Scientists probe human cells with high-frequency sound
– Imaging unveils temperature distribution inside living cells
Rather than summarize each in a separate tweet, I thought I’d make a rare post here and send out a single tweet pointing to here and pointing out the real message here, which is: The fact that in a single day we can read of no fewer than five significant breakthroughs in ways to examine the cell at the molecular level suggests that our understanding of cellular processes is accelerating through the roof.
I hope you can keep up. I hope the Digest can help you to do so!