Health Futures Management Corp. (HFMC) provides consulting on the future of healthcare from a technological perspective on a contract basis.

Health Futures Digest (HFD) was HFMC’s discursive monthly digest of news and commentary on long-range, leading edge technological innovations and their consequences and implications for healthcare policy and practice. It was discontinued in 2013 when HFMC acquired a private client but you can still browse the old posts.

HFMC helps its clients understand the implications of emerging technologies and thereby helps them prepare to handle accelerating change.
Key Premises
HFMC believes that technological innovation in healthcare . . .

  • Affects and is affected by the economy, government policy, and advances in other technologies,
  • Accelerates the trend to patient self-care,
  • Accelerates a trend towards a state of “superhealth”,
    Accelerates the emergence of acute policy, practice, and ethical issues, and
  • Overloads the capacity of practitioners, executives, and trustees to monitor, absorb, and assess its progress.
Ownership and Copyright
This website and its contents is edited and published by HFMC, which owns copyright to and alone is responsible for all content.

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